
Job prospecting with free storm reports. Hail | Wind | Tornado

We’ve collaborated with top industry experts to provide our PRO+ customers with free access to advanced weather maps. Stormer+ offers the most accurate and up-to-date hail, wind, and tornado maps, complete with downloadable detailed event information. This empowers you to effectively identify potential leads and evaluate the estimated number of impacted properties.

Efficiency is being at the right place, at the right time.

  • Customized, real-time storm maps
  • Identify storm-impacted regions, neighborhoods and streets
  • Share reports with your sales team to maximize roofing restoration projects
  • Differentiating the hail size as small, medium, large on the map
  • Search for past storm by zip with date and distance to zip filters
  • Report of apartments that are in the path of the storm

If you are an existing Stormer+ customer, click here to log in. STORMER+

Our storm maps cover the past two years of storm activity and include filtering options by date, zip code, and hail diameter ranging from 1 to 4 inches, as well as properties within the storm's path. You can also download a PDF report detailing the date, time, location, and size of each storm.