
Bid Better & Smarter with Accurate Roof, Walls, Windows & Doors Measurements

Contractors who use EagleView Reports can bid faster and smarter, resulting in increased wins. On average, contractors who order EagleView Reports have higher closing rates than those who don’t.

Get the complete property data you need to quote, order, upsell, and validate claims.

  • Residential property data
  • Commercial roof measurements
  • Drone-powered property data
  • Eagleview measurements directly through PRO+.
  • Detailed exterior measurements and diagrams for quick quotes
  • Eagleview reports can be ordered, and material orders processed within PRO+

Turn Eagleview premium residential reports into orders on PRO+

The new Smart Order feature saves contractor's time by automatically calculating the quantities of materials that need to be ordered based off of the EagleView measurement report. 

Quick example - based off of the roof size measurements, the Smart Order feature will populate exactly how many bundles of shingles are needed on the project (taking the contractor's waste factor preferences into consideration).

The Smart Order feature is built into Beacon PRO+. After linking your EagleView account on Beacon PRO+, you can select 'Begin Smart Order' on any Premium Residential Report that has been completed. After choosing a template (pre-created material order sheet) to order off of, you will notice the quantities already filled in for you!

Using Eagleview Reports to Create Orders on PRO+

Employing a data driven approach is the key to our rapid growth. I ran the experiment and found that eliminating the 20%+ overage material spend based on inaccurate waste factor calculations using an alternative report more than made up for the nominal price differences with EagleView. Now we verify all of our measurements with Eagleview before we place any orders.

- Jen Silver | Roofing Utah, Owner

EagleView QuickSquares™ Reports enable roofers to compile fast, competitive bids. Delivered in just one hour, the report lists the number of squares and predominant pitch for a residential roof. When contractors upgrade to an EagleView PremiumReport™, they can deduct the cost of the QuickSquares Report from the total price.

With an EagleView PremiumReport, roofers receive the highly accurate roof measurements and diagrams they need to complete the job. Those precise details result in more efficient material orders and production plans, leading to less waste and increased profits.

Before using EagleView Reports, one group of contractors required material redeliveries 46% of the time and pickups 37% of the time. After switching to EagleView Reports, however, only two of their jobs needed redeliveries, and the number of pickups fell to zero.

EagleView Reports are delivered with a customizable cover page, provided at no additional costs. Roofers can present customers with estimates in a professional document that showcases their company’s name and logo on the cover.