Update: Effective April 20, 2020, the Governor issued an Addendum to his previous Executive Order that allows for non-essential construction to resume operations on a limited basis. According to the Addendum and the guidance from Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development, the following non-essential business activities can resume immediately as long as there are no more than 2 workers per location/job and those workers observe social distancing and other mandatory on-site safety measures:
Construction operations deemed “essential” under the original Executive Order (i.e., those that support “the safety, sanitation and operations of residences or businesses”) may continue to operate under the pre-existing guidance (see below), but must comply with the additional mandatory health and safety requirements for all business operations above. Below is a link to the Addendum and the Vermont’s guidance from Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development:
In the State of Vermont, the Governor’s Executive Order prohibits non-essential construction but allows construction that supports “the safety, sanitation and operations of residences or businesses.” The State’s guidance regarding the Order indicates that “repairs for safety and health are allowed” and that “replacing a failing roof, failed electrical system, or broken waterline would be acceptable.” Below is a link to Vermont’s COVID-19 Guidance for Vermont Businesses. If you are not sure whether you can continue work, you can seek specific guidance from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development by completing the Continuation of Operations Form: https://bit.ly/covid-vt-business-operations. We recommend that you explain why your business provides essential services that support the safety and health of residences or businesses (emergency repairs and the like – the information should be tailored to your specific business situation in the State of Vermont). The State will respond within 24 hours of your submission.